Monday 11 June 2012

Jubilee bank Holiday

Hello Year 4,

What fantastic things did you get up to for our Queens diamond Jubilee?

I'm sure all the Panthers would love to find out! :-)

Post your comment below.

Our School Jubilee Day


  1. I celebrated the jubilee by making cakes and little union jack flags on cocktail sticks to stick into them. Also I was allowed to stay up till 11 o'clock to watch the jubilee concert on the TV, I enjoyed seeing JLS and and my favorite part was the fireworks at the end they were amazing.

  2. On Saturday evening, me, Ruby, my mum and dad went to my auntie's house for the evening for a barbecue. There were 30 people there! Me, Ruby, mum, dad, Josie and Adrian (my auntie and uncle), Millie, Evie, Rosie, Joshua, Megan, Carys and Branwen (my cousins), David, Sue, Tom and Hazel (my other aunties and uncles)were all there too, but there was still lots of other people! Me and my dad made some of the food. We bought 3 chickens and split each chicken into 14 pieces, so there was 42 pieces. We covered 1 tray of chicken in a spicy sauce, we covered another tray in sightly less spicy sauce, the last tray we covered in nothing, it was just plain! After that my dad made a chilli sauce and put some GIANT king prawns in one bowl and squid in the other, yummy!! Eventually it was time to go to Josie's, we had lots of fun at Josie's! We got home quite late at about 11, but there was still more fun!!! Megan, Carys and Branwen were sleeping round!! We had so much fun!

  3. I celebrated the Diamond Jubilee by having my own party with party games and a design a outfit for the Queen competition but I did not win! Also we watched the amazing Jubilee Concert and it was brilliant.I loved it when the Queen lit the beacon and it was magical!
