
Your task Year 4 is to write as many exciting and interesting facts as you can about Explorers!

Adam, Alfie, Angus, Benjamin, Danielle, Faith, Francesca, Harrison

Holly, Imogen, Jayden, Jessica, Joshua, Jotham, Katie B, Katie M, Leah

Lily, Luey, Maya, Megan, Mia, Samuel, Sara, Thomas, Unity, Willem


  1. EDGE Programme!

    The EDGE programme has found a extinct animal in 2009! They found a Horton Plains Slender Loris! They are from Africa and they can see perfectly in the night. This type of species has extremely thin arms and legs. The EDGE programme found this creature in Sir Lanka. This creature has a poisonous liquid in their elbow!

    1. I've seen a picture of them their sooo cute!!

      Who would of thought that they would of had poison in their elbow!!!

    2. Well done Thomas and Imo, you did very well!

    3. Now i know what they look like,WELL DONE you two.

  2. Unity and Francesca18 April 2012 at 19:45

    Charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin was born 12 February 1809 and in his life found all types of adapted animals like Beagles and Penguins. This English man joined a survey ship and explored for 5 years stopping at many places.He looked at animals and wrote about how they are adapted to where they live and how that helps them to suvive. From his observations he proposed his Theory of Evolution.

    1. Chales Darlwin was also a scientist!!

    2. I've read about Chales Darwin in a book

  3. Maddie and Benjamin18 April 2012 at 19:47

    Mary Kingsley

    This lady was a nurse author and naturalist she explored on a canoe more than 100 years ago. She found out about medicine and also types of electrical fish!! one of fish collected by the explorer and was named after her Brycinus Kingsleyae.

    Electrical fish

    Electric fish produce their electrical from a specialized structure called an electric organ. This is made up of modified muscle or nerve cells, which became specialized for producing bioelectric fields stronger than those normal nerves or mussel produce.

    1. Well done you did very well!

    2. I think you have done very well, WELL DONE!!!

  4. Sara, Jayden and Katie M18 April 2012 at 19:49

    Bumblebee Bats

    This extraordinary animal was found by Kate Jones. They are the world’s smallest mammals. They are the only type of bat like this left, having separated from all the other bats over 40 million years ago.

    1. I like the word extrordinary!!

    2. I never knew bumblebee bats are the words smallest mammals, well learn somthing knew every day.

  5. Danielle and Adam18 April 2012 at 19:51

    Mary Anning

    This lady explored her local area from age 11! She found fossils of creatures that had never been seen before. One was called an ichthyosaur like an ancient dolphin.

    1. WOW!! Age 11!!!

    2. I can not belive she was only 11!!

  6. Luey and Jessica18 April 2012 at 19:52

    Robert Falcon Scott

    Robert was born on the 6th June 1868 in Plymouth, England. Robert found fossil plants on his adventures in Antarctica. The BAS fossil collection has grown since the 1940’s and now contains around 40,000 fossil specimens. Two types of fossil plants that were found were Southern beech (Nothofagus) & the Araucarian Conifer (monkey puzzle).

    1. I don't understand the last bit in brackets, Monkey Puzzle??????

      I still bet it is very very good!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

    2. 40,000 fossils

  7. Paige and George18 April 2012 at 19:55

    Over 100 years ago people thought that an animal called an okapis didn’t exist. Someone extraordinary called HARRY Johnston found out that an okapis did actually exist. This animal has a slightly long neck and large ears and a black tongue. Sir Harry Johnston actually found a female. Males have hairy horns that reach up to 15 cm, and which are fused to the frontal bones-these are absent in females. Females are sometimes red in colour and usually slightly taller than males which are 1.5m high on average and 2.5 m long.

    1. That is a very good discription of an okapis! :)

  8. Holly and Jotham18 April 2012 at 19:57

    Steve Backshall

    Steve Backshall explored wild tigers in Bhutan. He searched for evidence to help stop the extinction of the tigers. The tigers have large teeth and large paws.They have dark black stripes, orange fury fur.

    1. Very good, how do you pronounce Bhutan??

  9. WWF/ Vietnamese Ministry of Forestry

    The WWF recently discovered a strange creature just fifteen years ago in 1992, called a Saola. It is usually found with long horns and white markings on the face. The location it is found in is Indochina, a region in Southeast Asia. The scientific name for it is, Pseudoryx nghetinhensis. Unfortunately this species is becoming endangered due to hunting and habitat loss. An adult Saola is estimated to be 176-220 pounds in weight.

  10. Kate Jones
    Kate Jones discovered the bumblebee bat. She discovered the bumblebee bat in the 2008. The bumblebee bat had no tail and it weighs 2g. Its habitat is in roots in limestone caves within areas of dry evergreen or deciduous forests near rivers.

    1. Ithink thers was very intrestings,i did not no, she discovered bumblebee bat in 2006

    2. you mean Kate Jones :)

    3. Ohhh I had no idear that there was a type of bat called the bumblebee bat and i diddnt know that there was a bat that had no tail!!! :) :) :)

    4. Hey that was mine

    5. I thought ALL bats had no tail

  11. Mary Anning

    This lady explored her local area from age 11.She found fossils of creatures that had never seen before .One was called an ichthyosaur, like an ancient dolphin. She found it in the blue liar cliff. We know diets of some ichthyosaurs from the stomach contents preserved in fossils. Since not every fossil comes with good stomach contents, our knowledge is limited to some fish-shaped ichthyosaurs.

  12. Hi Panthers, I'm Mr Darnley, a teacher in Coventry. Just browsing your class blog, what a fantastic start to showcasing your learning journey! keep up the great work!

    1. Thank you we are having so much fun in the panthers i don't want to leave Miss Brown and Mrs Moxham

    2. Same, I'm scared of going in to yr 5!! :/

  13. The golden-mantled tree kangaroo is just one of dozens of species discovered in late 2005 by a team of Indonesian, Australian, and U.S. scientists on the island of New Guinea.

    The animal is the rarest arboreal, jungle-dwelling kangaroo in the world, the researchers say. This was the first time the mammal was found in Indonesia, making it only the second site in the world where the species is known to exist.

    The kangaroo was discovered on an expedition in the Foja Mountains of Indonesia.

  14. Did you know that early explorers used to carry their water in a water mealon!!!

    The Komodo Tigers have over 100 razor sharp teeth.They all so have poison at the back of their ferocious mouth. They are carnivors so that means that they
    can eat you they can grow up to 2m long longer than a human.


    The Yartymar is a species that was discoverd in the Antartic. The Yartymar has big sharp teeth and claws, which it uses to grip to the slipery surface and tear its victim to peices as it is a carnivore. They can travel up to 90 miles per hour, WOW! You will know when you spot a Yartymar as it has a very unique coat, white with black spots!! This creature is very dangerous so keep your distance. Although this animal is so fearless, it can not climb trees so if you climb a tree then you will be safe. This creature gives birth to live young. The Yartymar can grow up to 4 meters in lenth and also has a secret weapon to defend itself, poison in its ear, so watch out!!

    1. Fantastic description Lily! I am really impressed!

    2. Thank you Miss Brown!!

    3. WELL DONE LILY I really know what a yartymar is now.

  17. Madaleine girvan8 May 2012 at 17:36

    the samary swimmer has 999 knife like teeth which has sleeping poison in and makes it easier to kill its pray it is a carnivore so keep out its way. It also has a long tale and a giraffe's head.

    The Jagbear can smell upto 4.5 miles away.
    It has 101 2 inch teeth.
    They are carvirors.
    There habitat is in dark cave in the jungle.
    They can grow up to 9 meters long .
    They can be as heavy as 70 stone.

  19. Arctic Colosspia

    .They live in the freezing cold,clear,blue sea surrounded by a thick layer of never ending snow.
    .They live in the Arctic sea
    .They are carnivores
    .They eat fish and meat
    .Polar bears can eat them
    .They have thick fur so they won't get cold
    .They are patched black,white and grey
    .They have a seal like tail
    .They have two four inched front sharp teeth
    .They have normal back teeth
    .They have four long claws on both of their fins
    .They have super bony heads which means they can push through the thick snow
    .They can hold their breath for fourteen hours
    .They can smell up to seven miles out of water and ten miles in the water

  20. Imogen Sawers9 May 2012 at 08:27

    Scaly skinned lizard

    Scaly Skinned Lizard lives in the hot,dry desert and can live up to ten days with out water.They have Scaly skin and orange spots which can change colour where ever it goes to camouflage.When they go to sleep they use their hard feet and razor sharp claws to dig confidently a hole and get in it quickly.All Scaly skinned lizards eat is other animals that they can find but sometimes that is very hard,others animals don't eat them because they have terrifying bacteria and venom in all of the body.

    The Kanagalion lives in the unpopulated areas of Northern Australia.
    They are large animals that can grow up to 4 meters in height and the largest males can weigh as much as 65 stone.
    Their appearance is like a kangaroo but they are yellow in colour with a bushy mane like a lion, and like lions they are canivores and eat mainly lizards, snakes and possums.

    1. You described your species very well and made it sound like a page in a non-fiction book!! You have also used some very good words, unpoluted, appearance, carnivores, bushy well done! :)

  22. KRAHS

    This amazing new amimal has over 70 teeth to rip there prey from the salty cold sea to shreads. They just eat the meat and leave bones so they will scare the healthy herbivores away. They can grow up to 5 meters in length and there weight is 75 stone. They are really fast therefor there prey can not escape. They live in the Indian ocean.

  23. this amazing creature has bacteria in its mouth
    and it is 75 cm long

    1. What is this amazing creatures name

    2. Yes, what IS the "amazing creature's" name

  24. Name of creature, chickder (chicken crossed with a spider) it has one eye and 6 legs. its feathers are red and black. It lays 5 eggs in a month and are blue. It lives in a web. It is 20cm tall.

  25. Here's a fun insect fact: For every human alive, there are 200 million insects!

  26. Hey I've heard of Anonymous before


    Some famous Explorers are probably exploring the world right this minute, but unfortunately some are dead. Take Christopher Columbus, he was a very
    famous explorer who has now, passed away.

    Who Was Chistopher Columbus?

    Christopher Columbos was born in
    October, on the 31st, 1451, in the
    Republic of Genoa, which is in
    Italy. He died in May on the 20th in 1506. As a teenager on his first voyage, he
    travelled into the Atlantic Ocean, it nearly cost him his life! His ship was burned and he had to swim to the Portuguese shore and then walk to Lisbon, which is luckily in Portugal! Eventually Columbus settled in and married a lady called Felipa
    Perestrello. In around about 1480, the couple had a son named
    Diego. He had a second son called
    Fernando, who was born in 1488.

  28. Today was the end of year 4 so I am really upset because Miss Brown(Our teacher) is leaving.Miss Brown was the best teacher I have ever had.Good luck Miss Brown!
