Wednesday 30 May 2012

Year 4's trip to Freiston
28th - 30th May 2012


  1. I enjoyed the shelter building because my group worked hard at it.

  2. I liked the shelter building because i did not get wet. I learned that making a shelter is hard.

  3. I learnt that crabs that have white eyes have shedded their skin and crabs with black eyes are dead.

  4. I enjoyed building the shelters and going to the salt marsh.

    I learnt that a centerpede has 26 legs.

  5. I liked doing the mini beast hunting because i got the most woodlouse. I learned how to make a shelter.

  6. It was just amazing because catching minibeasts was the best thing that we did. I how to build a den!

  7. I enjoyed making dens and getting wet.I liked it because we had to go and do challenges and it was like maths becauuse we had to get the right amont of tokens.

  8. I enjoyed lots of things like the salt mash.
    I learnt that animals hert you because there more scared than you are and there only trying to deffend themselfs

  9. i liked it when we went to yhe salt mash.

    I lernt that catipilers some times have small black spots.

  10. I realy enjoyed doing eco art i thorght it was fun when we had to collect all our sticks and leaves and flowers. Also i lernt that male nutes have a bumpy back.

  11. I liked the most the salt marsh because we got very muddy

  12. I learnt that if you don't do something at the start you can join in at the last miniute.

  13. Frestion was amazing. I learnt that wood lice have a fantastic16 legs.

  14. I learnt that centerpeeds have 14 legs and I enjoyed tent building because it was fun getting a bit wet!

  15. I enjoyed pond dipping, because it was fun finding out what the creature was.
    I caught two newts, the first one I caught fell out of my net. The second one didn't, but we had to let it go because there wasn't any more room for it. I learnt how to tell if a crab is a male or feamale, and if a newt is a male or feamale. A male newt has a spiky top, but a feamale is smooth. If you turn a crab upside down, a male has a thin triangle on the bottom, but a feamale has a wide triangle(to keep her eggs in).

  16. I learnt that a male newt has a spikey back and a female has a smooth back.

    I enjoyed tent building because it was quiet had and I got soaked.

  17. I enjoyed tent building because you had to get the all the right peaces and work as a team and to survive from the water and the wind.

  18. Madaliene girvan31 May 2012 at 15:16

    my favorite time at freiston was when we done the the tent bilding because if it was a compotition our team and miss brown would have won (I wish I hadn't left) thank you oh and happy birth day

  19. I enjoyed the pond dipping because it was intertresting.

    I learnt that when you catch something if you canot see anything there is always something in there.

  20. I had a fantastic time at Freiston, one of my favourite things was the shelter building. I enjoyed this because we had to work together as a team to build a shelter out of bamboo, sticks, string and a plastic sheet - the best part was getting soaked when Mrs Thomas poured water over the shelter to see if it was waterproof and ours wasn't!!
    One of the things I learnt was that male newts have spiky backs and females have smooth backs.

  21. I liked it when we were walking in the salt marsh because we found lots of creature.I learnt that sea urchins are the rearest sea animals.

  22. I loved Freiston and fishing in the pond because we found a load of newts and leaches ,ugh!

  23. These pictures are a great reminder of a fab time with my classmates !

  24. I thought freston was amazing

  25. i had such a good time can we go back

  26. Dear diary

    while we were in the playground we played with the parachute. My favouret game was washing machien that made me realy dizzy.

  27. Dear diary
    I woke up this morning. It was only 6:30am. Next I had a fantastic breakfast. After that I went out to play.I played with Jayden, Alfie, Josh, Luey,Willem.We played on the gigantic xylophone. We even played on the climing wall. Then we played on the drums.

  28. Deardiry,

    i was in bed fast a sleep and when i wocke up Faith was looking at me when i looked down at sara was still asleep. Maya was chating quetly. It was 06.24 we all got dressed for todays funday. when we gone down stairs. The stairs was relly small and steep. We went out side to play because it was not breakfast time. We went on the rey rock klibing wall.we played in the t.p. When it was time to have breakfast i rushed in and sat down. Luey was being owkward.

  29. Dear diary
    A couple of minutes laterall of the cereal and drinks came around i had rice krispies after that are cooked breakfast came it was not better than my dads cooking though

  30. Dear diary
    I woke up extremly early. It was only 6:40 When I turned around paige was gleaming at me with her blue eyes. I was so exited I could not wait to see what we were going to do today. I got out of bed and i looked out side. All of the boys were out side playing football and cricket.

  31. Dear diary,
    Today I woke up at about 6:00am then I lifted my head and looked across mouse nest to find everybody else awake and staring at each other.Next someone got up and looked out of the window and found some boys playing football at 6:30am. After that we got dressed and went outside.Then me,Holly,Sara and Faith had to set the table for breakfast,While we were doing that some boys walked through silently to go up stairs.

  32. Dear Diary,
    I woke up at 7:30am i saw unity awake and i saw pagie stearing at unity. unity brushed her teeh then i bannged my head then kaite m had to brush her brases at 8:15am we had breakfast I had eggs and bacon. Luey went mad with the vegtables then we went to the saltmarsh we found lots of crabs and at lots of parachute games.We had hot chocolate then we went to bed.

  33. Dear diry,
    i was in bed fast a sleep and when i woke up faith was looking at me when i looked down sara was stil fast a sleep maya was chating quietly .it was 6:24 we all got dresed for todays funday. when we went down stairs. the stairs were relly steep and small.we went out side to play because it was not breakfast time. we went on a grey roke klimbing wall. we played in the tp. when it was time to have breakfast time i rushed in and sat down.leuy was being owkward. i was sitting near miss brown. i had shreades. when we got out side we were split in to two groups. first my group went mini beast hunting,josh had found a wood louse and a centerpead essica lifted over a log it had a catipiller on the dirty and rough log.We went in a room which had a wed cam.We put them in a container and put them in front of the web camra.

  34. I had a grate time at Freiston I really want to go again I miss Freiston let us go back.
