Friday 15 June 2012


Homework 15–06-12

Year 4, your homework this week is to write a character description of the balaclava boy. Think carefully about the story and how his feelings change throughout. Remember to use full sentences using a range sentence openers and adjectives.

Post your homework on the blog or complete on paper to be handed in on Monday.

Remember to peer assess other children’s character descriptions using 3 stars and a rocket!

I’ll look forward to reading them soon J


  1. I will do more later

    The balaclava boy was jealous because he could not be part of the balaclava boys.At school the balaclava boy saw Norbert's balaclava on the floor.This was his moment to join the balaclava boys.So he shoved it down his coat pocket and quickly hurried back to the classroom.

    1. A great start Adam, i really like how you have described how the balaclava boy went back into the classroom.

      A great verb and adverb to use! (quickly hurried) :-)

    2. Attempt 2

      The balaclava boy felt a bit guilty when he stole the balaclava.At home time Norbert shouted "where is my balaclava".The balaclava boy went red.He ran home as quickly as he could home but trying not to drop the balaclava.When he got home he puled out the balaclava but their was nothing their.He was relived when he got home because he had thorts in his head that he will get the cane in front the whole school.The balaclava boy is jealous because he does not have a balaclava.

    3. Lilly,Holly Harry21 June 2012 at 15:03

      STAR: You used speech with speech marks.

      STAR: Guilty is a good word to use.

      ROCKET: You could make it more discriptive.

  2. The balaclava boy went to school and norbet had a balaclava.Nearly the intire school had one, the balaclava boy was jealess about the balclavaclub he could not join the club.He found a balaclava in the clocke room and it looked alot like norbets balaclava.He had never ever stollen something before but he took the balaclava.He went to art class.He felt worried.

  3. At school all the boys except the Balaclava Boy owned a balaclava and were in a club called the 'Balaclava Boys'. After a while the Balaclava Boy who was usually happy and well behaved, became really jealous of the other boys and was desperate to join their club. Later on when he was in the corridor he saw a balaclava and without thinking he put it in what he thought was his coat sleeve. After that he felt very guilty that he done something as bad as stealing and began to worry about what might happen and this him feel unhappy, scared and nervous.

  4. Balaclava Boy did not have a balaclava but half the children in his class had one so he was lonely ,he mainly just wanted it to be in the balaclava boys club but you were not aloud in if you did not have a balaclava.After he asked his Mother if he could have a balaclava but she said NO because it was the middle of summer.Just then he walked quickly over to his best friend Tony if he could be in the club and he said no so he was very jealous .Soon he was in hard handicraft lesson ,he had a lot of paint on his hands to he went to the toilet and washed his hands.Just then he walked carefully out side and found a browny,yellow balaclava on the floor in the corridor so he pinched the balaclava quickly and quietly.His head was pounding,he tried to stuff it in his pocket but it did not work so he dashed to the cloak room and stuffed it up his coat sleeve,he was feeling so nervous that he mite get found out!After he heard Norbert shouting saying MY BALACLAVA HAS BEEN PINCHED!The balaclava boy was panicking.After Balaclava boy was dashing home,when he got home he found that the balaclava was missing!He was shaking like a leaf ,he was feeling sick.Next day he was at school in assembly and he thought that the person who pinched the balaclava would have to own up and get caned but they just talked about football.He was relieved !

    1. I enjoyed most of it especially when you put that Norbert shouting that his balaclava had gone missing

  5. ON one hot summer day the Balaclarva Boy asked his mum if he could have a balaclava. She said no because it was the middle of the summer. The next day he went to school and at last break he said to Tony "can I join the Balaclarva Boys?". "No you do not have a balaclarva". After play the went in to art and in the middle of art, the balaclarva boy had diry and filthy hands and he asked the teacher if he could go to the toilet. The teacher whispered "yes" . The Balaclarva Boy went into the boys toilets and he washed his hands, then he turned around and to his suprise there was a Balaclarva. After that, he ran down the corridor and shoved the Balaclarva up his coat sleeve. I will do more

  6. Every boy in my class had one but the balaclarva boy didn't not have one he pleaded to he's mother about 100 time's but all what she said was "NO! it is in the middle of summer" the balaclava boy got jealous and tied of asking his mother for a balaclava.After he ask Tony "Can I please join the balaclava boy". But Tony said "NO!" the bell rang and all the boy they had an art lesen and the balaclava boy needed to wash his hand he ask the teater can he wash so he ran to the tap in the corridor and he found a balaclava laying there so i took it i put it in my pocket but it hanged out i went back to the class.Soon the bell rang then the class went walking and then Norbert shouted "MY BALACLAVA HAS BEEN PINCHED!".

  7. Tony had one, Barry had one, about half the class had one but still I didn't. The balaclava boy had pleaded with his mother time and time again but she still refused. "NO, you can't! Anyway why would you want one in the middle of summer?" she answered but that just made the balaclava boy feel very annoyed. Later that day, in recess, the balaclava boy ran up to Tony, who was with the gang called the Balaclava boys. He asked if he could walk with them, but as usual he was sent away in shame because he himself didn't have a balaclava.

    At home time he asked if Tony if he wanted to go goose goggling but Tony replied that he was taking a walk with the gang. The next day they had art but the balaclava boy got his hands all messy and was sent to wash them, "quickly". While he was washing his hands he noticed - a balaclava!!!........

  8. Balaclava boy didn't have a balaclava but he desperately wanted one.However one day he saw Tony and Barry walking up and down the playground with a balaclava on there heads.Meanwhile he went up to Tony and Barry to ask if he could play with them.They said no because he didn't have a balaclava so the balaclava boy couldn't be in the balaclava club with the rest of the boys.He felt really lonely and sad.Later that day he went to wash his hands but on his way back he nerviously grabbed Norbert's balaclava and slid it down his coat pocket.Suddenly the school bell went and everyone was coming into the cloak room the boy was terrified.

    1. .I like your feelings (lonely)
      .Good verbs (grabbed)
      .More sentence openers (Suddenly)

    2. A long time ago lived a balaclava boy who went to school with his friend Tony. Tony had a yellowy brownie balaclava witch he wore every day as he made up a club called the balaclava boys, and they would walk around the play ground showing off.The balaclava boys mum didn't let him have a balaclava but he was ok with it he was calm because he was just going to have to wait till winter. After a day he had a little talk with his friend Tony, Tony sighed " I am so sorry but your not a balaclava boy you need to buy or find one your self if your mum is not going to buy you won." Suddenly the bell went in the middle of the little talk, he rushed in feeling lonely and sad as he didn't get in but he think that he wouldn't get in because he didn't have a balaclava. After class the balaclava boy had poster paint all over his hands so he went to go and wash them, while he was doing that right in front of him he saw a blooming balaclava so then he picked it up and stole it. He felt really nervous.

    3. Well done Francesca for peer assessing Mia's Work, you are the first person! Tomorrow you can have a raffle ticket and a point for your avatar. :-)

    4. Yeah thank you

  9. Replies
    1. Thats ok Mia did you like my comments.

  10. At that point the balaclava boy is feeling like he's about to explode with
    excitement ,it was like a dream come true.He didn't know what he was thinking he just stole the balaclava. He didn't care whose it was but as soon as he stole the balaclava he felt guilty, very guilty.
