Monday 18 June 2012


How is the man feeling throughout this video clip?
What is his dilemma?


  1. At first the man is feeling calm.Then he see's something in the back ground so he wonders to see if he should go closer or not. He was feeling quite excited because it's something new.Meanwhile he was at a long red rope and felt puzzled then wondered ether to pull it or not.Suddenly he slowly pulled the rope and he suddenly felt cold.Then he pulled it again and it was light again.So he kept on pulling the rope until it broke.After a while he was feeling worried because he was stuck in the dark.

    1. star:it is descriptive.

      star:it has his emotions in.

      rocket:it could have had more emotions

  2. Some great sentence openers used in your paragraph Mia :-)

  3. Firs the man is calm.Then as soon as he got up the hill he see's something dangling down in the back ground.Next the man got curious so he pocked it then the man pulled it the sun turned out he started to get cold he was brething deeply he pulled it again the light came on.After he started to get a look on his face and pulled it again.A cople of minutes later it was dark the man pulled the rope it did not turn one so he started to get worried he pulled on more time but now he broke the rope.

    1. Curious was a great adjective to describe how the man was feeling! Well done Paige :-)

  4. Firstly the man felt calm as he is just walking in the snow. Suddenly he saw a giant rope hanging from the sky when he saw the rope he felt shocked as he didn't now what it was and where it had come from. After a while he finally pulled it and then it all went pitch black and he started to get worried. Then he pulled it again and it went light again he felt gilt in him. He went back and he looked back and saw the rope a bit closer, soon he started to dance and pull it again and again the next time he pulled it wouldn't come back on then he got a bit nervous. The next pull it all fell down in a flash he got gilt in him again so walked away.

    1. Great sentence openers Francesca!

    2. madaliene girvan20 June 2012 at 08:39

      Firstly the man felt bored because he was just walking in the snow. then he saw a giant rope hanging from the sky he felt scared. After a while he finally pulled it and then it all went pitch black because he had turned the sun off so he felt scared . Then he pulled it again and the sun turned on again he felt angry with in himself. He went back and he looked back and saw the rope a bit closer, soon he started to dance and pull it again and again the next time he pulled it wouldn't come back on then he got a bit nervous. The next pull it all fell down in a flash he got gilt in him again so walked away.

  5. At first the man is casually walking in the snow feeling relaxed and happy. Whilst admiring the view he sees a long red rope so he cautiously approaches it,looking puzzled and comfused. After standing there staring at it for a couple of minutes he pulls the rope. Everywhere goes dark, he is shocked and worried. Nervously he pulls the rope again, to his relief it goes bright. He steps back puts his hands up, as if to say 'I did not do that!'. Although he is still a bit puzzled he goes back to the rope and mischeevously starts pulling it,to keep on making it go light and dark. Suddenly it wouldn't go bright again he panics and keeps tugging on the rope. To his horror the rope started falling down, he is now scared as he doesn't know what to do and it will be all his foult if it stays dark for ever.

  6. First the man is normal and casual as he walks across the the snow. Next as he walks past a building he noticed long red rope , that makes him feel puzzled and confused,
    I will do more to follow on later

  7. At first he is just walking through the snow.Suddenly he see's a long rope but i don't think he knows its a rope but as he get closer he is compelled (means drown closer to do something)to pull it and he feels puzzled,unsure and nervous of what might happen and his dilemma is if he should pull it or not i think.

  8. first the man is feeling relaxed. next he feeling and thinking what is that creepy rope hanging from the sky. after that he is thinking what whill it do if I pull it . then next hewas thinking im going to pull it and go .Why did it turn all black and now i will mess whith it. Nexthe is thinking why is nt it werking and why is the rope fall ing coz there is a lode of rope.
