Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

LO. To generate adjectives that describes feelings and emotions towards a dilemma.

Context: Augustus Gloop enters the chocolate room

Willy Wonka’s emotions

Augustus Gloop’s emotions  

Check out our class work using titanpad -

LO - To create a character description using film.

Context: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Charlie Bucket is a lovely kind boy who’s dream is to help his family. He absolutely loves chocolate and when he walks to and from school he needs to walk past a massive chocolate factory so then he feels hungry and upset because he only gets chocolate on his birthday. When he does get chocolate he puts it in a safe box and saves it for about a month. If he opens the box he promises his self to only have a tiny piece a day. His grandpa Joe used to work for the man who works at the big chocolate factory and he was happy to work for Willy Wonka who makes mouth watering chocolate that melts in your mouth. His house is small but it still  can fit in 7 people. (Alfie and Maya)

Charlie is a lovely little boy who is very poor as he has a broken house that only has two rooms. It has one bed for his grandparents. Every year Charlie gets one lovely mouth dripping chocolate bar. This chocolate bar is a very special bar as this chocolate bar is bort by his mum, dad and his grandparent’s money. Every day when he goes to school he passes the chocolate factory and the smoke it make smells like chocolate. Charlie is feeling excite  but nervous because wilily wonka is giving an opportunity of 5 people to go to his factory but you have to get a golden ticket in a chocolate bar. (George and Paige)

Charlie bucket is a small skinny boy he lives in a collapsing house with his mum, dad, grandma Georgina granddad George, Grandma Josephine and Grandpa Joe. He and his family are not rich or powerful they are completely the opposite in fact they are so poor that they can’t afforded to buy enough food for everyone.  At morning they have margarine at afternoon they have cabbage at evening they have cabbage soup and once a year one his birthday chocolate. Every morning he was tortured on his way to school by the sent of chocolate and kids scoffing chocolate bars that made him feel envious. He  always  went to school hungry. (Maddie and Benjamin)

Charlie was a very friendly boy. He was very lucky, but he didn’t know it. He lived in a small house with a big family who were very poor, they could only afford to buy bread and margarine for breakfast. Potato and cabbage for lunch, and cabbage soup for dinner. Although his family were so poor and unfortunate, Charlie was still a very happy boy. Each year for his birthday, his family would save up to buy a tiny chocolate bar for him. Charlie longed to have a creamy, smooth chocolate bar every day of his life. He felt so envious when he saw other rich children taking a huge, milky, wonka bar out of their pocket and munching it away happily. Every school day, Charlie had to walk to and from school, but past the gates of Willy Wonka’s magnificent chocolate factory.(Holly, Lily & Harry)

Charlie is a lovely boy who has chocolate coloured hair and he had a big family, and he also had no money or food he had share one house with the whole off his family. He was a lucky boy but he did not know that yet every birthday he would get some money to buy a yummy, smoothing melting chocolate bar made by the marvellous Willie Wonka. He was so excited when he got his money he rushed as fast as he could and suddenly when he opened the gorgeous chocolate he saw a shiny gold ticket he was so shocked to find a golden ticket in his own bar of chocolate. He ran home to show his parents and family his golden ticket what he had. (Francesca and Unity)

Charlie Bucket is a poor boy who lives with his grandparents. All he has is sloppy cabbage and bread. When he get home from School and smells cream soft chocolate and wishes he can have one bite. Poor Charlie cries his heart out. But when it is his birthday he gets a luscious wonkier bar. One day he get his chocolate bar with  a golden surprise to get in to the factory  with new people at the factory with  grandpa Joe  with a whole  garden of fabulous sweets and little  weird animals. Charlie felt excited, he could not believe it. (Katie M and Jayden)

Charlie Bucket is a very poor boy who longs for chocolate but he only gets it on his birthday. Charlie only eats cabbage and cabbage soup. He lives in a tiny, run down cottage with his mum, dad, Grandpa Joe, Grandma Josephine, Grandpa George and Grandma Georgina. Right next to his house there is a huge chocolate factory owned by Mr Willy Wonka the amazing chocolate inventor and creator. At school all the other children had Wonka bar except Charlie which made him upset. (Jessica and Luey)

Charlie Bucket is one lonely boy with only one big wish (a chocolate bar). Charlie lives in a small house with a big family, his mum , dad and his four grandparents( two grandpas and two grandmas). All they got to eat was cabbage soup (cabbage in boiling water). For Charlie’s birthday he got money to buy a chocolate bar that makes him really excited because he might get a golden ticket to meet willy wonka and go into his chocolate factory. Charlie managed to save his chocolate for a full month. One evening Charlie’s farther came home with some toothpaste lids for Charlie’s model of the chocolate factory. (Megan and Sara)

Charlie Bucket is a small, poor boy who has hardly any money. Meanwhile Charlie has bread and butter for breakfast, he has cabbage and potatoes for lunch and he has cabbage soup for dinner. However Charlie and his family all look forward to Sundays because they get an extra portion of their dinner. Also Charlie lives in a small, little house with his two aunties Georgina and Josephine and his two uncles Joe and George also he lives with his Mum and Dad. Charlie has a small chocolate bar every year on his birthday and he has a little nibble every day, he usually keeps it for one month. When Charlie walks to school he feels tortured because there is nothing worse than smelling melted chocolate every day and seeing children stuffing their faces with chocolate in shop windows. (Mia and Willem)

Charlie is a poor and lonely boy, who lives in a unstable house .He lives in a really small house with only 2 rooms. Most of the time Charlie is very hungry but he can hardly get any food because he has 4 grandparents and his 2 parents . When Charlie walks to school he walks past the chocolate shop  and feels  jealous . All Charlie gets too eat is bread and margarine for breakfast and for lunch he has potatoes and cabbage and finally for dinner it is cabbage soup. On  Charlie’s birthday  the hole family saves up their money  just to buy a little chocolate bar that Charlie makes last for a month . The problem is Charlie lives near the biggest chocolate factory in the world and that’s just torture for little Charlie.(Faith & Adam)

Charlie is a lovely boy and very skinny. He is about 10 every one of his birthdays the family saves up some money. With that glorious money the family buys charlie one singul choclate bar. In the family there is Grampar Jo and Grampar George and there is Gramar Josephine and gramar Gorgina. They lived in a small cottage in the middle of the city neer to the chocolate factory. Every morning when he wakes up on the small matress on the flor he always smells the choclate factorys chocolate. The smell got so bad he saved up some of his pocket mony to buy one of the fabulous  chocolate bars from the fabulous Mr willy wonker. He was hopeing to get a golden ticket in one of his chocolate bars. (Leah and Samuel)

Charlie Bucket is part of a very poor family, he lives in a wrecked, crooked tiny house with a massive hole at the top of the house but Charlie is still happy! Every day he sees the colossal chocolate Factory which is the biggest in history so it makes him feel starving.Nealy every day he looks at a shop with millions of chocolates stacked up carefully and Charlie puts his nose against the window staring at the chocolates with his tummy rumbling. Firstly in the morning they all have bread with butter, for lunch they have cabbage and finally for dinner they have cabbage soup. When he found out that there were 5 golden tickets he was excited because he might win and go to the amazing, brilliant, colossal Chocolate Factory! (Imogen and Thomas)

Charlie Bucket is a good boy who wishes to have a much better life. There are 7 people in Charlie’s family. There is Grandpa Joe, Grandma Josephine, Grandpa George, Grandma Georgina. For there dinner all they ever have is cabbage. Charlie is kind and polite and has chocolate coloured hair. You might of heard of him. (Katie B and Joshua)

Charlie Bucket is a young boy who lives with his whole family. Every day and knight for tea she he has cabbage  soup  and  once a year Charlie would have one chocolate   bar .Every day that  he walks back  from school  he  takes a big breath and  smells   the gorgeous  chocolate   before walking again.  His dad works at a tooth paste factory putting lids on tooth paste tubes. Won cold day Charlie’s dad sneaked some tooth paste lids won was shaped like a hat when he gave it to Charlie he was super happy. Charlie has brown hair and freckles. (Angus and Danielle)


  1. Every one story is fabulous

    1. yepo!!

      this is my word i made up!

  2. I may off used a golden ticket bit in my writing when we were not getting to that part of the story yet. Oops

    1. it's ok though, quite a lot of people got it rong so your not the only one.
