Monday 11 June 2012

Freiston Residential

This afternoon Year 4 have taken time to write a personal recount of their favourite day at Freiston!

These diary entries include feelings, emotions, memorable highlights and vivid descriptive detail of their trip.

Enjoy Reading J


  1. Dear diary,
    Today I woke up at about 6:00am.Then I lifted my head and looked across mouse nest to see find everybody staring at each other.Next someone looked out of the wndow and some boys were playing football at 6:30.

  2. Dear diary
    I woke up not tired and hearing josh,george talking so i decided to join in the talk but first i took my head off the soft,comfy pillow.I was excited about are first activitie all of a sudden mrs dolby came in and told us to go back to sleep because it was only 5.30 in the morning so i did.After a while miss dolby came in to say time to get up so we got out of bed and went down stairs.I was sitting on the table then francesca,imogen and mia sat on the table mia sat next to me.A couple of minutes later all of the cereal and drinks came around i had rice krispies.After that are cooked breakfast came it wasnt better than my dads cooking though!!!!! Then when you finished eating your breakfast we got to go upstairs and get dressed so thats what i did.I accidentally forgot that there was an upstairs set of stairs and a downstairs set of stairsi went down the upstairs stairs luckily nobody saw`

  3. Faith, Lily & Jotham14 June 2012 at 14:24

    Dear diary ,
    When I woke up I found Maya just waking up. First I was very exited because I was exited about pond dipping. Quitely I whispered, "Is Holly awake?" Suddenly I heard some shouting from outside, I awkwardly hurried out of my sleeping bag, and climbed down the steps and looked out the window. I saw lots of boys playing football. Then all of the girls in my room woke up. Then we started getting dressed and started packing, redy to go home. At about half sevan, Mr Manders Jones knocked on the door, he stepped into the room and said, "You can wake up now girls." when we were already wide awake. So we quickly hurried downstairs. Then we had a little play on the cimbing wall. Other people playing with the musical instruments and in the teepee. When we came inside we smelt the loverly food,it smelt perfect! We all sat down at a table. The food was delicious! Half of the class went into the woodland to go minibeast hunting. The other half went pond dipping. I went minibeast hunting first. We used a pooter to suck up the bugs. There was a green tube to suck from and a clear tube for the minibeast to go up. I caught 2 woodlice and a little black beetle. Eventually we swaped over. I went pond dipping. During pond dipping I caught a feamale newt! BUT we couldnt keep it in a pot we had to let it go because we diddn't have any room. When we finished pond dipping, it was time for lunch. I had my favourite sandwhich, tunaaaa!! Eventually it was time to go home after a little play in the garden.

  4. Dear diary
    I woke up not tired and hearing josh,george talking so i decided to join in the talk but first i took my head off the soft,comfy pillow.I was excited about are first activitie all of a sudden mrs dolby came in and told us to go back to sleep because it was only 5.30 in the morning so i did.After a while miss dolby came in to say time to get up so we got out of bed and went down stairs.I was sitting on the table then francesca,imogen and mia sat on the table mia sat next to me.A couple of minutes later all of the cereal and drinks came around i had rice krispies.After that are cooked breakfast came it wasnt better than my dads cooking though!!!!! Then when you finished eating your breakfast we got to go upstairs and get dressed so thats what i did.I accidentally forgot that there was an upstairs set of stairs and a downstairs set of stairsi went down the upstairs stairs luckily nobody saw`

  5. dear diary
    today george josh and angus woke harry up at prosisly 5:49 it was really funny. we got told off 5 times by miss dalby. sam took the mick out of santa as he was protending toi be santa with a black bag and he had his sleeping bag in it.when we got down stairs george angus josh and sam got locked out so harry glady un loocked the door and we played footy and me and harry scored alot of
    goals we played that untill 8:15 and then it was breakfast.

  6. Dear diary,On tuesday morning i got woken up by josh and george at 5:30 I was extreamly sleepy.I manged to go back to go back to sleep but I was 2nd to become awake.

  7. megan/leah/jessica14 June 2012 at 14:31

    Dear diary
    Its Tuuesday I woke up at 6:35am, I looked across the room and everyone was awake.Jessica was chatting to Lily which woke me up. Then Miss Brown came in but it was very funny because her hair looked like a fluffy hedgehog(sorry Miss Brown.) After a wile I got comfused because Mr Manders Jones whispered "you can wake up now girls," when we've been awake for awhile. Then we went down stairs for breakfast. After breakfast we got our wellies on to go to the salt marsh. Everone got stuck in the mud. After that we went back to freiston and had a delicious lunch ,after that we made eco art then everyone went out to play.After about a hour we all played parachute games but before that Leah had a nose bleed.A while after that we played parachute games my favouret game was washing machine.

  8. Alfie and Jayden14 June 2012 at 14:37

    Dear Diary

    Today I got up at 6:45 am but Willem and Luey was all ready up. as soon as I propily woke up i went to the toilet . When tt was 7:00 aclock we all went down stairs to have our breakfast. I had a hash brown and a bit of bacon.

    1 hour later we went out side for play time. i was inn goal. About 30 minites later we went to the wash I found a crab and some black sea wead and gut weed.

    When we got back i went and got changed and went and went in to the eco room then we hade our luntch i hade a cheese role. As soon as you know it was tea time we all hade soop .Then we went in to our bed rooms and then we al went to sleep.

  9. Dear Diary,

    Today I woke up at 5:30 because I heard Francesca moving in her bed making a lot of noise.Just then i looked across the room to see if any one was awake,i sore Maddie writing in her diary and started whispering to me and she got louder as she talked.Before i new it Mia woke up,to my surprise Miss Brown popped her head around the door to say go back to sleep so we did and woke up at 7:30.I jumped quickly out of my bed because i was excited and got dressed ,cleaned my teeth and went down stairs to breakfast.I sat next to Mia and Francesca and i had cereal and bacon.Then we put are wellington boots on and went to the Salt marsh .My group found lots of crabs,i learnt that if a crab has black eyes it means its dead ,if it has white eyes it is shredded skin .When we got back from the salt marsh we had are lunch and played until we got called for roll call,after we went into the discovery room and got told what to do.We made eco art frames and it was fun but hard for me.After that we went out side to play before dinner.For dinner we had soup ,next we had vegetables ,sausages ,potatoes and gravy,for pudding we had jelly with yummy ice cream.We went back out side and played parachute games ,before we new it it was time for the campfire.We had a singing competition in groups but we did not win.Just then we went to are rooms and got dressed ,got are money and went down stairs to the shop to buy souvenirs,we played bingo and then went to are rooms and went to sleep!
