Thursday 12 July 2012


A sleep deprived office worker finds a Black Hole whilst photocopying late one night. Suddenly the possibilities seem endless. Will greed get the better of him?

How does the office worker feel throughout the trailer?


  1. At 12.00pm I was working late afternoon and I was photocoping the last picture and the photocopier stopped working then suddenly a big a4 piece of paper came out of the printer with a big black dot on it.I kicked the printer with my foot I walked over to get a cup and some water went back to the printer and started to drink then i finished and accedently put the cup on the black hole it went straight through!!I was confused I thought i could put the black on the glass and pull something out.Lets go and try

    So I went over to the vending machine I put the black hole on the glass and reached in the black hole I grabbed the first thing that i could feel pulled it out and it was a snickers bar I started to eat it.

    I just remembered that the boss keeps money in a safe which was on the right hand side of the building I tiptoed to the safe put the black hole on the safe pulled some money out I decided to pull out all the money out.Once I pulled as much money as I could out of the safe I checked if there was any more money and the black hole fell off the safe I was terrified I kept thinking that the boss was going to see all the money on the floor but who knows.Don don dooooon

    1. star: Like your recont
      star: Nice feelings (terrified)
      rocket: You put a space when you start a new sentance.

    2. Imogen and Thomas13 July 2012 at 11:43

      Nice verbs like tiptoed
      Used paragraphs
      Could of used alot more full stops

    3. star:remembering that it was a recount
      Rocket:dont do don don doooon

      Rocket:use more discriptive words

    4. Jessica and Lily13 July 2012 at 12:05

      Star: I liked it when you put 'Don don dooooon.'
      Star: I like your use of adjectives such as terrified and confused.
      Rocket: Try too use more ambitious vocabuary.

  2. Harrison and Mia13 July 2012 at 11:14

    I was board and tired when the photo copyer starts working again because paper started to come out of it then i saw a masive inc dot so as i thought. So I carefully put the piece of paper ever so slowly. Then I accidently dropped my cup on the paper and it went through i was astonished so i put my hands in and took the cup out.

    So I went over to the vending machine to see if I could take some chocolate bars!Then I started to wonder around the office then i remembered the safe in the managers office.

    I quickly looked around the office to see if anyone was there, no one was there so I put the piece of mysterious paper on the door and unlocked the door from the inside so I walked to the safe and got all of the money out then I climbed into the safe.I was so scared because someone might see me.


    I was photocopying the last things at my long day at work. Sudenly the photocopyer stopped working, I was so stressed. I had been in the dark office for at least 4 whole hours! This was the most boring, tiring day of work.

    I kicked the photocopyer hard, and eventually it printed something. I was confused, I didn't know what it was. I decided to leave it and have a quick drink. It was very refreshing.

    I picked up the peice of paper and moved it to the other side of me. I soon discoverd that it had a large black spot on it. I put my white, plastic cup on top of the peice of paper. The cup went staight through!

    I was curious about it. So I stuck my hand into the paper. I got my cup back! It was so amazing! Suddenly I had a brilliant idear! I held my peice of paper over the glass of a vending machine. I was hopeful. I stuck my hand in. I managed to grabb the nearest chocolate bar I could reach. I was joyful.

    I suddenly had another idear, an even better one! I'd always wanted to know what was in that safe in the other room. I grabbed a bit of sticky tape and stuck the black hole too the safe.

    I reached in a snatched something out. I didn't know what it was. It was money!! Billians of money! I reached in for more and more! I got so exited, I stuck my head in, I was overjoyed. I stuck my whole body in!

    Suddenly the peice of paper fell down! I was trapped! I was frightened. Would I ever get out??

  4. I was waiting by the photo copyer stressed and tied. My eyes were rolling like they had never done before. T was the in the office for 7 hours now and now one but me was there. I had to praint my last papers of the day but I was hot swety and feeling lazy and my tie was all messed up.Suddenly the photo copyer died on me I got angrey I started to kick it hard with my foot. My foot got tied and week I felt pain. Then a big black hole prianted on a pecie of white paper. I looked at my watch it was time to go home I took a quick drink and I put it down on the black hole and it fell through. I was confused and worried I put my in and it went state through I got excited.

    I went to the chocolate vending machtin and the I taped the black hole on the glass I put my hand through and I grabbed. A sniker. I felt sneeky and greedy. I looked over and saw the entry to the safe what was fall of money. I unloked the door and saw the metal shiny safe. I looked side to side just to check if no one was the there. I taped the black hole again and I took millons of money in cash. I put my body through the hole. I fell in and suddenly the black hole fell off and I was traped and alone.

    1. rocket:some of it does not make sense.
      star:you used very descriptive language

    It all started at 7:30pm at work.I felt bored and lonley I was creating some leflets when the printer stoped working so I felt anoyed I roled my eyes and kicked the printer as hard as I could. I felt relefed and stersed suddenly a ginourmas circle came out of the printer on an a4 peace of paper I felt so angry.

    So I took a drink and I carefuly placed the cup on the circle suddenly my hand whent right through.I felt scared and exited,I a little bit pekish so I stroded over to the vending machine. I reached in and pulled out a crunchie .I bit into it and looked left and right I saw the bosses safe

    I cept towordes the safe and stuck the black hole to the safe .I reached into it and grabbed the money then more and more and more!As I got towordes the back I had to crawl in and as I when I whent in I felt worried and scared i thought I would get shouted at of coures the black hole must have fallen down oh no

  6. george L penny13 July 2012 at 11:19

    I went to the photo coper and I was printing my paper work and suddenly the mahine played up on me so I kicked it and itand it was all better.I picked u a black dot on a black peace of paperthat came out of the printer. I drank my drink to cool my down and i axidentaly put it on the black dot and it fell threw. I new it just new it. It was a black dot that if you put it on glass or something and then you put your hand threw and then you can get something out of it like a verning machine. suddenly I went to the vending machine with my black dot and selataped it to the glass the i put my hand snekely threw the glass and got a sneker out and infact this was the niceest chocolate bar ive ever tasted.

    suddenly I thort were the safe was and put the black dot on the door to the safe and put my hand threw and opened the door. I opened the door and then I saw the safe and i quckly looked left and right to see if any body was around i wonderd what was in the safe . I put the black dot on the door of the safe and I put my hand in the dot and felt money and I quickly pulled out the money and then I grabbed lots of money out and thort shold I put my body in or not but iI did and the dot fell of when I went in and I got trapped ahhhhh...

  7. I was in my office trying to photocopy something and I'm really bored and tired. Just then an A4 peice of paper came out of the photocopier with a massive black hole. I put my coffee on the black hole and it went down the hole. I put my hand on the black hole and the tips of my fingers went in the hole. I was confussed of what had happened. I reached into the hole and pulled out the empty cup.

    I went over to the vending machine I put the black hole on the and carefully pulled out a chocolate bar. It was a Dairy milk chocolate bar. I just rememdered there was a safe so I slowly walked to the safe I put the black hole on it and pulled something and it was money. I kepted on pulling the money out and I thought it was empty. I put my whole body in and the black hole fell off. I was trapped!!!!!!! "Help please someone help!!!!"

  8. My brain was falling to sleep when I was at the office.I was bored,I have been working for 15 hours and 10 of them i was lonely!Suddenly I remembered that I needed to print something from the printer!Just then I walked silently to the masive printer with my eyelids closing.I prested the button and the printer was working up on me so I got furand and confused.Just then I kicked the printer and a masive circle was printed onto A3 paper,I was surprised.Before I new it my coffee was getting cold so I put the paper down carefully and picked up my coffee,I drank it and by accident I put it on the paper and the coffee went through!

    I was shocked,I was amazing.Before I new it I had an idea so I tiptoed sneakily to the vending machine and stuck the paper to the machine.I put my hand in carefully and snatched a snicker!It worked!

    Soon I dashed quickly but quietly to my bossy boss's office.I held the A3 paper tightly and stuck it on the door.Just then I put my hand in sneakily and opended the locked door.Soon I dashed to the masive safe.Once agin I stuck the paper on the safe and reached in the safe.I snatched millions of cash .I climded in to it and I was amazed.Later the paper dropped.I was trapped.I was terrified!

  9. I was in my office and I was very tired the printer was playing up. suddenly the photocopier printed out a huge black hole came out and I put my hand through it I was shocked.

    I went to the vending machine ansd i reached for the nearest chocolate bar and I pulled out a snickers.I was getting frightened now so I went to the room with the safe and I unlocked the door.

    I was free to get money I was as happy as a bunny.I stuck the black hole on the safe and I reached for asc much money as I could but when I reached to far in and I fell in the safe I was locked in.The black hole fell off.

    1. star:good reacount.
      star:i like were you put happy as a bunny.
      Roket:you can do biger parghigrafs.

  10. The black hole.
    I was so tired and bord.In my office it has been 7 hours.The grey and wite photo copier worked up on me,i was getting streasted andangrey.I cept pushing the button hard with my pink finger.I kicked the printer with my black shoe.In a flash a wite a4 peace of papetcame out with a big black spot.Iput it out the way.Itaked a sip out of my wite plasticcup.I put the cup down.I wondered were i had gone.I was getting worried.Ilened on the black hole.My hand went through i pulled out my cup i piked up the peace of a4 paper.

    I put my hand through the peace of paper.I couldnot see my hand on the other side.I was amased.I slowly walked over to the veanding michen.I placed the paper on the veanding michen.I grabed a sniker bar.I was going to fant.

    I looked side to side.I had a ideer.I gone over to the room,the sighn seid KEEP OUT!!I was scoffing the mini sniker bar.I plased the paper on the door,i opened the door and tipetoed in.I saw a loked up meatl box.I placedthe paper on the black box and i started grabbing out green silkey dolers.I went right in the box,I fell in the paper fell down.I am scared, i am worried.I wish i dident use that stupied peace of paper.I was stuk in the safe,with nobody to help.

  11. I was in my office and I was waiting and waiting for the photo coppyer. Suddenly it broke down on me I kicked it as hard as I could twice and on an a4 piece of paper came out with a enourmous black inc spot was on the piece of a4 paper. I drunk my coffie because it was geting cold then I put it on the paper and it disapeard. At this point I was shocked. I quickely reached down and pulled it out. It was amazing. I ran over to the vending Machiene and stuck the black hole on the window and reached pulled a snicker bar out. Then I came up with an idea that was to run over to the safe and get all of the cash out. So thats what I did. I ran to the safe door and grabed as Much as I could and I stuck half of my body in and fell in.

    1. Star:I like it were you have discribed the tempriture of the coffie.
      Star:You have done some small sentences.
      Roket:You can do more writting and do parighrafs.

  12. Willem Harding13 July 2012 at 11:28

    I was just printing out a peice of paper and there was a great, big, black dot. It was a black whole beacuse anything can go through it.

    I looked left and right, farwards and bakwards and all there was, was a vending machine. I put the black whole over the glass of the vending machine.

    I looked around again, but this time in my boss's office. All I heard was the beeping of the broken photocopyer. I stepped forwards to the safe. I stuck the black whole over the door of the safe.

    I reached in and pulled something out. It was money! I had neally got it all out, but I couldn't reach the last few bits. So I stuck my head in. I still couldnt reach, so I stuck my whole body in. OH NO! The paper had very suddenly fell down! I was trapped! Now I wish I had never touched the peice of paper!

  13. I was in the office waiting for something to print my eyes were rolling I was tired and grumpy. I kicked the printer I was so board and lonely. Suddenly a black circle came out of the printer I was so scared I was thinking I didnt print a black hole. Then I was even more stressed and tired so I had some coffee and then I placed it on the top of the black circle my cup fell in I was so sacared and shocked I reached in with my hand and pulled my cup out. After a while I felt hungry so I took the black hole and grabbed the first chocolate bar I could feel. It was a sniker. Snikers are my faviourt. I ripped the rapper of and I took a bite then I saw the office where they keep all of the money I put my hand through the door.

    I pulled the handle and opened the door I looked around the room there I saw the big shiny safe filled with all of the money. Then I got some tape and stuck the circle on the safe I grabbed all of the money. Then I put my whole body through and the circle fell. I was stuck I was scared, worried,horrified,petrified and nervouse. I banged on the door no one could here me so I gave up. I was ashamed of what I have done.

  14. I was working very late and I needed to print the last of my work.I rolled my eyes in a circle and i was so bored.Then the printer stopped working,I was fustrated that I kicked it so hard it printed a black dot!

    I put it on the chocolate bar despencer and i reached my hand into the hole that was on the dispencer.I grabed out a chocolate bar,it was a twix!I saw the door that said stay out .I put the black hole on the door,I reached through and opended the door and the safe was in front of me and I put the black hole on the safe.I reached in and got lots of cash!I climed in for more and in stead I got trapped!I was horrified!Some one mite find me!

    I was at work working in the ofice .then suddenly the printer stoped working and it went all quit and dark next I had to kick the machine to make it work again Just then I put a drink over a masive black hole and it sucked it down

    I took the large hole and placed it over the vending machine that keept chocolate bares in and took a chocolate bar. It was a sniker .next I took it to the safe where someone keept there money.I put it up to the door and reached into the large box and took some money.they wraped up in alastic bands as I got to the back I crawled in and the black hole fell down and I got stuck

  16. The black hole.

    I was working late evining from 8pm too 11pm the photocopier was playing up on me I was so so tired and bord.I then kiked it i was so anoyed i then found a black hole.nexst i droped my cup it the black hole and then got the cup out then the sheet with the black hole on the veanting michin. Next i grabed a choclate sniker bar my favrote bar!! i riped the raper and scoffed it in my mouth.Next I went too the safe and I put the piece of paper on the safe and grabed al the money suddenly i got a bit out of control i went into the safe and then i was traped and i could not get out because the peace of paper fell.

  17. First I was at work and I was going to print something,at that point I was tired and sleepy, I wanted to go home. The room was empty, it was just me in the room, my eyes rolled when nothing happend. I pressed the button again and again but still nothing happend. At that point I got angry so I kicked the printer. Soon some paper came out but it had a big black circle on it. I checked the printer to see if there any inck spillage but there was none. Next I finished my drink and placed on the paper. The next thing I knew was that my cup was gone. Then I reached in and grabbed my cup out of the hole, I felt sneeky.

    I felt as though I could just walk through walls and I would live. Before very long I turned to face the vending machine, then I strided carefully towards it, I was determined to try it out. Despite I didn't know what I was doing I stuck the paper on the glass and reached in and grabbed a snickers bar and pulled it out. While I was chomping on the snicker I noticed the locked door. I put the paper on the door and reached in and opened it. I walked in and put the paper on the safe. I grabbed the money and pulled it out.When I thought it was all gone I put my whole body though the paper. When I was in, the paper rattled and it fell off. Help! I was trapped! I never wanted to use the black hole ever again!

  18. I was working late afternoon and I was tied and board. Suddenly a piece of paper came out of the printer with a huge black spot on it I was angry because I have bean working for 21 ours. I drunk my coffie and put it down on the piece of paper and it disapeared so I reached in and pulled my cup back out I was god smacked. My tummy rumbled then I saw the vending machiene and put the black spot agianst the machiene and reached in and grabed a snickers. I came up with an idea that was to get the cash out of the safe. So that is what I did I sneaked into the boses office put the spot agianst the safe and and grabed as much money as I could and at this point I felt greedy.I coudn't reach the last bit but I fell in and the black spot fell of the safe door and I was traped.

  19. I was busy all night. I started to feel tird, I was printing of my last peace of work so I can go home . after I pushed the butten it stoped on me , I started to feel angry and stressed so I kicked the printer a coule of times then this black whole came out. then I hade a cup on coffee whee I put the whole I put my cup down ang it disipird into the thin air . It went into the black whole I reached into the black whole and pulled out my cup

    I grabbed the whole and I ran to the vending machine . I put the whole on the glass and put my hand in and took a bar .I reallised the door to the safe full of money and I put the whole on the door and put my hand in and took out money. When I had alot of money I put my whole body in. suddenly the whole fell down I banged on the door I was frightend and terrorfide.

  20. I was board and tired in my office I just wanted to go home. I was photocopying my work then suddenly the photocoper jamed up on me,Iwas anger an fustrated.Meanwhile I kicked it with my foot the top of the photocopyer quickly opened.

    Eventually I saw an A4 piece of paper with a big black hole in the middle of it.I put my coffee on top of the hole to my surprise it fell right through.Soon I picked my coffee up again. I was amaized, overjoyed and shoked on what I could do.A shiver of exitment flowed down me, I looked side to side but no one was there also I couldn't hear anything so I was all alone.

    A few minutes later I rushed quickly over to the vending machine then I put the black hole next to it.I put my hand in the hole then pulled out the first chocolate bar I could feel. It was a milky way!I felt sneaky and greedy.

    in the other room I remembered that there is a safe filled with money.Eventually I quickly walked over to the room.The door was locked but I but I slipped my hand to the other side of the door then unlocked it.Soon I saw the safe.I got the hole and held it in my palms calmly. After I placed the black hole on the safe and I kept on pulling money out of the safe I felt greedy.I went to far in I was stuck inside I was terrified,worried and ashamed I wish I never played with the black hole.
